Jodie Harburt
2011 - 2017
Resided Istanbul.
Completion of various Kaş and Istanbul design projects.
Lots more painting :)
Became mother to third.
Became aware of the fact our damage to the planet is now irrevocable.
2017 -
Resides Şile, Istanbul and Kaş
Continued work:
Eco - Design houses to be built in Şile
Working on Illustrated Stories
Custom Design for presently 7 different projects in Kaş
Custom Art, Graphics and Illustration for various projects
Co-Founder of SUDA (Sustainable Urban & Rural Development Association and Platform)
Co-Founder of Cooking Up Dialogue
Founder and/or admin of various online groups
Workshop Facilitation & Talks:
Online sessions on eco consciousness, less/zero waste and building resilience
Also you will find me in my garden:
Collecting snails and seeds, and wondering how the heck to get humanity unstuck from patriarchal wetiko ...
Born in London 1969
Studied art, technical drawing, graphic design and interior design
Continuing studies to this day and specifically learning about: Decolonization! And how to survive systems collapse. Regenerative Design, Community Building, Wildlife Restoration and Protection, Holistic Farming, Inclusion and Dialogue Building, Nature-Centric Design and Living, Zero/Less Waste Practices while also bringing down the corporations who mercilessly exploit us and our planet...
Moved to Turkey in 1990
1990 - 2006
Resided South coast town of Kas.
Spatial Design and Implementation (As director of Design & Construction at Tandem LTD)
Painted and exhibited at The Studio (A collaborative Art Space)
Organised and contributed to street exhibitions and charity art auctions.
Became a mother to two.
Became engulfed in work to be able to ignore the unstoppable ecocide that goes on every day all around us.
2006- 2011
Resided Antalya.
Kaş and Antalya based Design Projects.
In house Designer for Joy Group
Designer with Okan Yantac Mimarlik
Sold virtually all paintings from my studio in that time, some of my works now live in places like London, San Francisco, Copenhagen, New York and Cologne.
years of experience overseeıng buıldıngs
years of desıgn experıence
buılt resıdentıal protects (villas) most with pools and many with private beach landings

of designs, paintings, drawings & illustrations
boutique hotels